July 16, 2532

I stumbled through the door and fell down onto the non-flammable carpet, I was dehydrated. “He needs water right away.” Everything started to swirl as the lack of fluids and prolonged heat exposure got to me. I felt a cool rush of water enter my mouth.

I had tried to prepare for the night; it didn’t work. The heat oozed in through the floorboards and sapped all of the water out anything in its path. My potted plants didn’t even last an hour without wilting. I quickly retreated to the kitchen, jumped into my tiny refrigerator and slammed the door behind me.

This is an update on the two people during the catastrophic month of July, 2532.
Will they survive?
Will Earth survive?

2 thoughts on “July 16, 2532

  1. Mrs. Kriese

    I like this idea of telling the story of a bigger event through the lens of following its impact on two individuals. Will we be meeting more people affected by the catastrophe?

    Reading World War Z (nothing like the movie) was fascinating because the author told the tale of the zombie plague through the experiences of more than 60 separate narratives by individuals. Your installment made me think of that very cool book.

  2. elijaham1

    Hello Jeffery! Or Jeff, whatever you prefer. Hey, I read over your blog, and I like this content. You have a good mix of suspense, sports, and narratives. I especially like this “series” – when will the next installment come?
    If you would like, click on this link to visit my blog, and let me know what you think. Have a great day Jeff! Or is it Jeffery?


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