Grades are Important

Grades are very important for a number of reasons, they show how smart you are, they decide wether you get into a good college or not, and the biggest one of all; decide what mood your parents are in.

60: Not smart; 70: O.K.; 80: Average intelligence; 90: Good; 100: Smart. These are the unofficial rankings that every student applies to their-self and others when they see a grade wether they like it or not. It almost happens automatically, within nanoseconds they have already judged that persons intelligence off of just one little grade. I guess grades are important, but sometimes they’re just plain annoying.

“This email holds decides if I have a future or not, a janitors job or a doctors job, all rest in the balance of this one email.” This is probably what goes through the mind of every person who is about to find out if they have been accepted into a college. I think that too much pressure rides on this letter, whose contents are decided by one thing grades. Grades are getting too important.

And now the reason that you have all been waiting for, drum role please, “pitter patter pitter patter.” Parents mood!
Yes the all hailing big reason is the mood of your parents, again can be changed for better or worse by one little miscalculation. Let’s say you get a 60 on a quiz, your probably not going to be going to gamestop this weekend, but if instead you got a 98 on that quiz you’d probably being going to gamestop and top golf that weekend. Either way it’s all determined by grades. Grades are now at there maximum importance.

In the end grades are extremely important, heck I’m only writing this paper for grades. So I guess what I’m trying to get at is to GET GOOD GRADES, or else.

5 thoughts on “Grades are Important

  1. Mrs. Kriese

    Only writing this post for grades? Well, whatever the motivation, the exercise is good for you ;- ) To get the best grade possible, you’ll want to proofread for your/you’re, their/there/they’re and other errors.

    Good organization of your points!

  2. zacha238

    I completely agree with you, grades are ruling our lives! I’m constantly having to worry about the grades I’m getting. One not perfect grade and the rest of my week is spent studying for the next test under the constant supervision of my parents.

  3. billya693

    Really funny like the part where you say I wouldn’t do this unless it was for a grade. One recommendation is get a better hook. P.S only doing this for a grade too. 🙂

  4. Ms. Velasco

    Hi Jeff,

    Interesting post! I think I disagree, though, that grades tell you how smart a person is. I think many smart people sometimes don’t get good grades for different reasons (lack of motivation, outside problems, etc.). I thought it was really funny that you said it determines your parents’ mood though! haha!

    –Ms. Velasco

    1. jefft721 Post author

      Thank you, and now that I have thought about it I agree with you on how there can be other factors that determine someone’s grade and/or intelligence.


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