Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Warning, this blog post is a spoiler. I would recommend to anyone that you wait to see the movie before reading this post.

Last weekend I went to the movie theater to go see Captain America: The Winter soldier, and I really enjoyed watching it.
In the movie Captain America was working for an organization called Shield, which was slowly becoming corrupted. Soon when the leader of Shield is assassinated and replaced with a shady character, Captain America decides to go rogue to stop Shield from launching A.I. (artificial intelligence) drones into the sky. Following Captain Americas disappearance, Shield sends the Captains best friend (who was thought to be dead) after him as an assassin. Right before Captain America is about to stop the drone launch, the assassin catches up with him. After a huge fight he realizes that his friend had been lost his memory, and reminds him of who he is. Finally they work together to shutdown the drone program.

That movie was my favorite movie that I had seen in a long time. Reading my description of it probably wasn’t the same experience as watching it in person. But nevertheless I hope that you will/did enjoy watching as much as I did.

2 thoughts on “Captain America: The Winter Soldier

  1. jasont424

    I agree with you Jeff, all the action and other stuff made this movie great. I love marvel movies, and I think this is one of the best they have ever made.

  2. Mrs. Kriese

    That friend must be Bucky, right? I liked Bucky in Captain America and was disappointed when he died…but it sounds like maybe he didn’t die after all. Yay!

    I do plan to see Winter Soldier, but I was the only member of my family who wanted to spend theater bucks on the experience. Everyone else said eh, wait for the DVD release…and so we wait. But I hear it’s really good, and I am definitely looking forward to it!


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